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Briefly outline your reason(s) for seeking hypnosis: I smoke 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day for 50 years
What other solutions if any did you seek – prior to hypnotherapy? Cold Turkey 10 times
Occupation: Business Owner
City/Town of Residence:Northville
Describe what resulted because of of the MTU Hypnosis session(s): It didn’t take long I quit right away. Even with alcohol and or golfing I didn’t smoke. It was no big deal to quit.
Were you satisfied with the results?yes
Would you recommend M.T.U. Hypnosis to others? Yes
Briefly outline your reason(s) for seeking hypnosis:Weight loss
What other solutions if any did you seek – prior to hypnotherapy? Nutrisystem, Adkins, diet pills, portion control, etc
Occupation:Senior Manager
City/Town of Residence: Fenton, MI
Describe what resulted because of of the MTU Hypnosis session(s): I have lost 30 lbs over a 4 month period. I went from a size 16 to a size 8!!!
Were you satisfied with the results?Yes!! MTU Hypnosis kept me focused on my goal and gave me the tools to continue my weight loss journey.
Would you recommend M.T.U. Hypnosis to others? I would recommend MTU Hypnosis to help others achieve any challenging goals they may have!
Gina Fanelli
Briefly outline your reason(s) for seeking hypnosis: Nail biting and picking
What other solutions if any did you seek – prior to hypnotherapy? Covering my fingers, special polishes, everything available to
Occupation: Jeweler
City/Town of Residence:White lake mi
Describe what resulted because of of the MTU Hypnosis session(s): No want to touch or pick at my nails
Were you satisfied with the results?Very! This is the longest and healthiest my brains have ever been
Would you recommend M.T.U. Hypnosis to others?Absolutely
Erasmia Novotny
Briefly outline your reason(s) for seeking hypnosis: Needing to live a calm life, end panic and health worry
What other solutions if any did you seek – prior to hypnotherapy? Many in conjunction, acupuncture, medication, chiropractic
City/Town of Residence: Ortonville
Describe what resulted because of of the MTU Hypnosis session(s):A feeling of calm and confidence. Reinforcement that I can get through anything.
Simona Gullen
Briefly outline your reason(s) for seeking hypnosis: I sought hypnosis for clenching my jaw.
What other solutions if any did you seek – prior to hypnotherapy? none
City/Town of Residence:Wixom
Describe what resulted because of of the MTU Hypnosis session(s):As a result of receiving hypnosis from MTU Hypnosis, I not only stopped clenching my jaw but I also benefited from stress relief, relief from anxiety, fear and junk I had been holding onto for years!
Karen Kilgore
Briefly outline your reason(s) for seeking hypnosis:Stop smoking
What other solutions if any did you seek – prior to hypnotherapy?Cold turkey
City/Town of Residence: Commerce Township
Describe what resulted because of of the MTU Hypnosis session(s): I quit smoking I have not had a cigarette since my first session 12 days ago I have not had cravings was out for drinks the other night with two smokers I did not even want one. It did not even bother me, done smoke after 45 years two packs a day.
Roger Mccarville

A pack and a half to 2 packs a day….40 year habit and I don’t miss it. My friend commented ‐ after 1 beer-I would have been sucking on a cigarette. I don’t even feel the need to have a cigarette.

John Wertz, Highland - Smoking

MTU Hypnosis works like magic. After one session I noticed a mental shift & found I was not craving cookies and sweets like I used to. I lost 38#’s & 23 in… from a 1X – I dropped down to a trim size 10.

Jane Furlong, Waterford - Weight Loss

*(Smoked 35 yrs/pack daily/tried patch, meds, Nicorette gum & Nicotrol)”I tried a million ways to quit smoking until I tried MTU HYPNOSIS. I have no cravings for cigarettes at all. It’s been 4 years smoke free.

Fran VanAcker, Highland- Smoking

I haven’t gained weight and even with friends who smoke in front of me – still I do not smoke! I had smoked 1.5 packs a day for 37 years and tried 10 times to quit including using the patch and Chantix. I haven’t smoked in over a year since MTU Hypnosis.

Kathy Ranck, Milford - Smoking

I won the Michigan 2003 Golf Open and the Michigan Senior Championship. I HIGHLY recommend MTU HYPNOSIS to others to improve athletic performance!

B. Ackerman, W. Bloomfield - Golf - Sports

I had smoked for 25 years and quit with hypnosis. I am absolutely shocked. I don’t feel like I lost my best friend (cigarettes) and NO cravings… and it was guaranteed!

Kim Sheehan, Brighton, MI

I think MTU Hypnosis is awesome. I feel like I can do anything compared to how I felt prior to coming to MTU Hypnosis. Fears used to sap my strength. I have accomplished so much in the past 2 weeks. My nightmares have disappeared. My business is growing and so is my self confidence.

N. McDaniel, White Lake - Self Confidence, Nightmares

I no longer have fear of heights. I went out west and went mountain climbing up to 10,500 feet without a problem.

P. Catalfio, Highland - Fear of Heights

I dropped 82 lbs. in 4.5 months with MTU Hypnosis. It was the EASIEST way EVER to lose weight. I’m not starving, not feeling deprived at all! I spent 25 years fighting to lose weight. This is not like those fad diets where you just go back to old habits. I’m happy to get on the beach in my much smaller swimsuit. I had tried pills, starvation, exercise, and 3 well known weight loss systems without sustainable results. MTU Hypnosis is a lifestyle change.

K Gauthier, Wixom - Gastric Band Hypnosis

I quit biting my nails after just one session.

R. Leach, Milford - Nail Biting

Test Anxiety: Since coming to MTU Hypnosis ‐ I have not had a single recurrence of fear on tests. I have the power to do well on tests even under pressure.

A. Leroux, Bloomfield Hills - Test Anxiety

Flying: I didn’t need meds to calm down prior to the flight, though the pilot announced 40-50 mph wind gusts and a bumpy ride ahead. In the past ‐ I would cry and breathe very shallow and ask for help. Believe it MTU Hypnosis can work wonders.

M. Sherman, Milford - Fear of Flying

I love that MTU Hypnosis Guaranteed it. I have gotten more here than what I could have imagined. A great accomplishment was quitting a 40 yr pack a day habit. It was easy in just one session. This is the smartest decision you could make. I recommend MTU to anybody.

R. Campeau, W. Bloomfield - Smoking

Trouble sleeping ‐ took 2 hours: After using MTU Hypnosis “Mindspa” CD for 2 nights, I now fall asleep almost immediately, wake up refreshed.

D. Hill, Commerce - Sleeping, Insomnia

I couldn’t walk without the walker since my fall. I walked out of my very 1st session on my own 2 feet without the walker! MTU Hypnosis was my last hope. I am so thankful. I have been singing your praises all over.

E. Auld, Commerce - Walking Problem

Smoked 33 yrs, 1-1.5 packs daily/tried meds, gum, patch, electric cig., and cold turkey. The urge to smoke is gone. It doesn’t bother me to be around other smokers at all. The smell etc. is a non issue. If I had NOT come to MTU Hypnosis, I would still be smoking.

Christine Stewart, White Lk. - Smoking

My husband and I did not think hypnosis would work. After MTU Hypnosis, I did not want a cigarette. I could not believe how easy it was. That was 8 years ago. We haven’t smoked since. (20 yr smokers/pack daily)

N. & R. Walker, Highland - Smoking

Hockey: I received a hockey scholarship to the Univ. of Mich. I also won the team shoot out. My play has really stepped up. I scored 2 winning goals in the playoffs. MTU Hypnosis had a huge impact on my hockey career.

Travis Lynch, White Lk. - Hockey, Sports

Sleeping so much better, not laying wide awake for hours with mind racing. Even able to go back asleep when I wake up.

C. Yeager, White Lk. - Sleeping, Insomnia

I had migraines, almost 12x a month and no meds could correct them. The pain was so bad, I would vomit. But, after MTU hypnosis-pain free!

L. D'Agostino, Waterford - Migraines, Pain Management

I have had less pain. I have been working in the garden which is a huge difference, sleeping just great. Why did I wait so long to come to MTU Hypnosis?

S. Zimmerman - Pain Management

I was so skeptical about whether hypnosis would work and it did… even with all the stress of my job. I lost 53#’s and 21 in.

Lisa R. Kosal, Novi - Weight Loss

I just couldn’t get started up until now. What I want to accomplish doesn’t seem like a mountain anymore. Tackling the clutter and getting organized… in only 1 hypnosis session – I began to take charge of my home and work. It has been easy to discard the stuff.

A. A. Danielson, Clarkston - Organizational Skills, Clutter

I’ve learned how to calm myself down & not remain anxious at stores, in the car, or being alone. I have even quit taking anxiety meds. Hypnosis was definitely worth it.

M. Krueger, Walled Lake - Anxiety

I don’t have panic attacks anymore. I am feeling more confident behind the wheel.

S.B. - Panic Attacks

I lost 58 pounds and got my life back. I lost 40 pounds in 5 short months. I went from a bulky size 16 to a size 4 and it feels great.

Candice Richter - Weight Loss

I lost 10 pounds in 20 days. I don’t feel like this is a diet, meaning I am not suffering or feeling deprived. Letting go of the weight has been EASY. No hunger pains at all. I am amazed how sweets, which I always ate plenty of, I no longer crave.

C.C. - Weight Loss

My speech was awesome. My heart wasn’t even palpitating going into the speech or even during it. There were no butterflies, no nerves, no racing mind. What a huge difference. MTU Hypnosis was so effective.

R. Altrogge, Dexter- Public Speaking

The Virtual Gastric Band MTU Hypnosis program is how I lost 63 pounds and dropped from sz. 20 down to a 12/14. Most important – the process was EASY. The weight started coming off right away. I lost 16#’s in just the 1st 21 days.

N. Gibson, Milford- Virtual Gastric Band

I didn’t think I could quit smoking. I quit in just one session and it was EASY. It’s been a whole year without smoking. I’ve even lost weight. Even around friends I remain smoke free.

D. Keller, Novi 1.5 packs/29 yrs- Smoking

My experience with MTU Hypnosis was a phenomenal one! I came out a strong believer in the teachings and techniques Nicol used to eliminate my test anxiety and not only passing my NCLEX-(nursing licensure exam), but also to use these teachings in my practice as an RN! I highly recommend looking into MTU Hypnosis, it will change your life!

A. Bozimowski, Grand Rapids- Test anxiety
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