Preparation Page for Screening or Hypnosis Session(s)

For Your Free Premium Consultation OR Hypnosis Session(s)

Screening / Consult (45 min.) required of all prospective clients and at NO COST. Together, we do this to determine the likelihood of your success using the MTU Hypnotic process and to answer all questions. To optimize results, sessions are customized and tailored to meet the needs of each individual client. In order to quote the price to you…. first I must gather more details during the consult. The price reflects a number of variables.

Fill Out/Submit the appropriate INTAKE Form

Online Screening: Submit the Intake Form(s) online at least 24 hours in advance of your Scheduled Screening.

In Office Screening: Submit the Intake Form(s) online at least 24 hours in advance of your Scheduled Screening – or arrive 15 min EARLIER to fill the intake out at our office & to view our client results and testimonials.

STEP 3 Read: Preparation for Screening/Consult OR for Hypnosis Session(s) below.

Follow the directions to prepare in advance for your Screening appt. or for Hypnosis session(s).

Preparing for the Screening Appt.

We want you to know what our clients think of their experience with MTU Hypnosis. Check out our client videos & testimonials (in advance) at Check Google Reviews too.

For Online Screening: Be sure to submit your intake online at least 24hrs in advance of your Scheduled Screening. Be seated in a quiet environment, visible from the waist up preferably in a chair with arm rests. Be sure you have a solid internet or phone connection with your volume & web cam on. Have a pen & paper handy.

For In Office Screening: Submit the intake Form online at least 24hrs in advance of your Scheduled Screening. Arrive 10 min. prior to view client reviews and testimonials. Or arrive 10-20 minutes EARLIER to fill the intake out at our office and to view client results and testimonials.

Preparing for Your Scheduled Future Hypnosis Session(s)

Since your Online, or In Office screening appointment -you have decided to go forward with MTU Hypnosis. Be sure to schedule your appointment(s) online and take care of payment(s) prior to your session(s). To make a Payment(s) – Call (248) 568-0831 regarding payment details.

Outside of MTU Hypnosis

Weight Loss Prep – prior to 1st Hypnosis Session

At the 1st hypnosis session: Have FILLED OUT & HANDY, the list of weight loss benefits and chart including your weight, sizes & measurements that day.  For future sessions – we will need the weight only and the measures every other session.

Virtual Gastric Band Prep – prior to each Hypnosis Session

  • 1st Session: Have FILLED OUT & handy, the “Benefits/Measures” document including Weight/Sizes.
  • 2nd session: will also NEED Form #2 filled out that day – prior to the hypnosis session.
  • 3rd session: will also NEED Form #3 filled out that day – prior to the hypnosis session.

Stop Smoking or Vaping or Chewing Prep – prior to 1st Hypnosis Session

  • Get rid of all cigarettes / vape /or chew in advance of your 1st hypnosis session or bring it to my office and get rid of it here.
  • Also be prepared to indicate what the NEGATIVE feeling(s) are that trigger the urge-craving to smoke – vape or chew.
  • Finally have handy the list of 10 benefits for quitting smoking – vaping – or chewing.

Other issues Advanced Prep – prior to 1st Hypnosis Session
At the 1st hypnosis session – have handy the list of 10 benefits for resolving your issues.

1370 N. Oakland Blvd. Suite 110 Waterford, MI 48327
N. Oakland Blvd. runs south off Highland Rd (M59) )
Between Williams Lk. Rd. & Airport Rd

(248) 568-0831

Can’t come in to our office? MTU Hypnosis Online – WHEREVER YOU ARE. Click here for VIDEO

Due to concerns regarding possible transmission of COVID-19 virus and/or other issues that may prevent clients from
coming to our office to seek help, MTU Hypnosis continues to offer ONLINE HYPNOSIS sessions to alleviate any such concerns.